About Me

Jiayi HONG 洪佳怡

Jiayi Hong is a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in VADER lab, supervised by Ross Maciejewski. Previously, she did her PhD at AVIZ INRIA, Université Paris Saclay, supervised by Tobias Isenberg. Her work focused on using diverse techniques (Visualization, Interaction, and Machine Learning) to help domain experts with scientific problems. She got her M.S. degree in Computer Science from University of Bristol in 2019 and received her B.Eng degree in Industrial Design, Zhejiang University in 2018. Her research interest lies in Novel Visual Representations, Human Computer Interaction, and Aritifical Intelligence for Visualization.

Education Experience

PhD in Computer Science


INRIA, Université Paris Saclay
Thesis: Machine Learning Supported Interactive Visualization of Hybrid 3D and 2D Data for the Example of Plant Cell Lineage Specification
Supervisors: Tobias Isenberg and Alain Trubuil
Committee: Barbora Kozlíková, Miriah Meyer, Caroline Appert, Anastasia Bezerianos, and Johanna Beyer
MSc in Computer Science


University of Bristol
Thesis: Design Large Shape Changing Infrastructures
Supervisors: Anne Roudaut
B.Eng in Industrial Design

Sept.2014-June 2018

Zhejiang University
Thesis: Mr. Noter: A Tangible Music Interactive Device Design Combining Visual and Auditory Perceptions
GPA: 3.96/4.00


Best Project on the MSc in Computer Science, University of Bristol, 19/02/2020
Master of Science in Computer Science with Distinction, University of Bristol, 14/11/2019
Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award, Zhejiang University, 2018
First-Class Scholarship for OutStanding Students, Zhejiang University, 2014-2016
Excellent Student Award, Zhejiang University, 2014-2016
Puzzle games, Travel, Dog, Yangqin